Clouser Minnow

Bass fishing with a fly rod can be one of the best fishing experiences for many folks. They are a widely accessible target, and they eat a large range of prey that we mimic with many patterns. The clouser minnow fly is incredibly easy to fish and effectively covers the whole water range where you may find bass. This fly comes in every size, shape, and color. The clouser minnow fly tend to be the favorite of bass anglers due to the exciting “take” or eat. Bass will often jump clear out of the water chasing after this fly making for a great start to a great fight. Some flies will sit up high on the surface while others are designed to fish slightly submerged like the marabou clouser, a great freshwater clouser. Subsurface clouser flies will be more subtle in taction and most often will submerge when stripped forward and slowly rise back up towards the surface when paused.

marabou clouser

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 Most Popular Baitfish Mimic

The fly is hands down the most widely used clouser fly pattern to mimic bait fish. The clouser minnow can be tied in every size, weight, and color combination you can think of. Bass are regularly eating these bait fish so having a clouser minnow fly in many color options is not an uncommon thing to find in many good anglers fly boxes. A clouser minnow fly can be a great “hatch match” for shad or shiners as well as in the right colors and style can be made to look not like a clouser minnow but more like a clouser cray fish, bonefish or gotcha clouser.

 Colors and Styles of the Clouser Minnow

The overall style of these flies is defined by the weighted eyes that are added to the top of the hook of the clouser minnow that makes it swim with the hook point up. This swimming action of the clouser deep minnow makes it incredibly resistant to hanging up in weeds. This characteristic of the clouser minnow for trout will also help with fish mortality as it will more often hook the fish in the top lip or top of the mouth and not in the lower portion where the gills are easily damaged. The clouser minnow in a black over white color combo can be one of the deadliest saltwater flies for a wide variety of fish. But we also favor the chartreuse clouser minnow, white clouser minnow and the pink clouser fly patterns.

chartreuse clouser minnow
white clouser minnow
pink clouser

If you have not fished with clouser flies it is a safe bet that they will soon fill your bass box and be some of your favorite discount flies to tie and fish.

Look at our full selection of Clouser Minnow to see the tremendous range of colors and style variations we carry.