Name Changer, Pearl

Name Changer, Pearl

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Name Changer, Pearl

Name Changer, Pearl: This is the ultimate do all, end all, best Baitfish imitation known to Fly Fisherman. Tied with the authentic Fly Men Fishing Company Articulated Fish-Spine, this pattern has 4 articulated joints!!! It wiggles and squirms, it shakes and moves. This fly is downright sexy and has more moves than your average Ninja. You can even take your favorite magic marker, and color it to make your own design. Anything with common sense will eat this: Musky, Trout, HUGE TROUT, Bass, GIANT BASS, Steelhead, Pike, etc.. In a nutshell, insert name of predatory fish here _________, and they will eat it. I would eat it, but practice catch and release.


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  • Buy 3 for $8.68 each and save 3%
  • Buy 6 for $8.41 each and save 6%
  • Buy 12 for $7.88 each and save 12%
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Name Changer, Pearl | Size - 2 27 in Stock
  • 3 for $8.68 ea
  • 6 for $8.41 ea
  • 12 for $7.88 ea
Name Changer, Pearl: This is the ultimate do all, end all, best Baitfish imitation known to Fly Fisherman. Tied with the authentic Fly Men Fishing Company Articulated Fish-Spine, this pattern has 4 articulated joints!!! It wiggles and squirms, it shakes and moves. This fly is downright sexy and has more moves than your average Ninja. You can even take your favorite magic marker, and color it to make your own design. Anything with common sense will eat this: Musky, Trout, HUGE TROUT, Bass, GIANT BASS, Steelhead, Pike, etc.. In a nutshell, insert name of predatory fish here _________, and they will eat it. I would eat it, but practice catch and release.